The Best Commentary ~ Ahsana Tafseer
Al Furqan ~ The Criterion
32. Those who reject Faith say: "Why is not the Qur'an revealed to him all at once? Thus (is it revealed), that We may strengthen thy heart thereby, and We have rehearsed it to thee in slow, well-arranged stages, gradually.
33. Wala ya/toonaka bimathalin illa ji/naka bialhaqqi waAHSANA TAFSEERan
And no question do they bring to thee but WE reveal to thee the truth and the BEST EXPLANATION (thereof).
PICKTHAL: And they bring thee no similitude but WE bring thee the Truth (as against it), and BETTER (than their similitude) as ARGUMENT.
ALISLAMI: And they do not come to you with an example [i.e. argument] except that WE bring you the truth and the BEST EXPLANATION
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